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Saturday, March 14, 2009


This naming situation is getting out of control...I've been hearing some ridiculous names lately. Parents what are you thinking?

I strongly believe that what you name your child plays a role in shaping who they become, if not solely based on the way they'll be treated as a result of that name

Lets get it together people! lol

What's the most ridiculous name you've ever heard?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nerdy urban skateboarding and/or snowboarding slightly hipster lumberjack with a little bit of flava

So according to one of my good friends, to my surprise, I have a very distinct "type"

...its what she likes to call the "nerdy urban skateboarding and/or snowboarding slightly hipster lumberjack with a little bit of flava". Wtf? Specific much? lol

...but it got me thinking...my last three crushes did wear quite a bit of plaid. Coincidence?

Hey, maybe I'm just tryna get back to my roots in Northern Ontario lol

Does everybody have a "type"? If so, what's yours?

Long story short...she thinks I need to "expand my horizons" and try something new

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Don't you have a girlfriend?

So I was on MSN just taking a little break from the ridiculous amount of work I have to do this weekend, when I got the most random message ever from C, this guy from high school

I consider this a random/puzzling message because:
  1. we were barely friends in high school
  2. we've barely talked since high school
  3. he has a girlfriend, or at least claims he does (his Facebook page says otherwise, but whatever) and he was CLEARLY hitting on me, and claimed to have had a crush on me since high school *rolls eyes* oh please...I have a slightly different version of that story
My version:
I can't say I was one of those people that really enjoyed high school, it was okay, but it wasn't one of the highpoints of my life. Its not that I was unpopular, I was just different, reflecting on my experience, as sad as it sounds, I think one of the only things that made me so popular and made me stand out was my looks, but I never really felt like I fit in...lets just put it this way, if I looked a little bit different I'm sure I would have been considered a loser and a complete nerd. I just never felt like I fit in with the "popular" people I hung out with, and because I hung out with this group and was viewed in a certain way, it made me somewhat unapproachable to the people that I actually would have loved to hang out with. I hate how high school works...but I digress lol

So C was also a part of what was considered the "popular" group and although we were "friends" by virtue of being a part of the same group, he teased me relentlessly about what he called my "nerdlike tendencies"...now that I reflect of this, it just seems ridiculous and I don't know why I let it bother me so much...who teases someone else for loving to read, participating in class and extra-curricular activities, and doing really well in school? Clearly an insecure person....but anyways, you can see why I would be puzzled by his messages

My guess is that since he hasn't really done anything since high school a.k.a the highpoint of his life (read: currently unemployed, didn't pursue any post-secondary education, and living at home with mom), so that pretty nerdy girl who did everything in high school and who's now doing things in life, is starting to look a little better...well guess what 1. it's to late and 2.I'm not even close to being interested in a 21 year old unemployed, uneducated boy living at home with his mama and not even attempting to pursue something he's passionate about...what would I want with that?

Is it wrong that I kind of feel good about the fact that everyone who gave me a hard time in high school is a complete loser now? lol

Friday, March 6, 2009

Je ne comprends pas

I'm swamped with assignments this weekend :s
going out is the last thing on my mind
...despite the fact that I just got an invitation from M

it's to an event that I wouldn't mind going to, if it wasn't for the fact that most of the guests are part of a crowd that I kind of had a falling out with...it's not that anything horrible happened, it's just that we didn't really click; I tried to make things work with them but the friendships we had felt fake; I've never really felt close to them or completely comfortable with them...so aside from the obligatory nod of recognition that must be given when I happen to bump into them on campus, I have no desire to have a relationship with any of them, especially because it's my last year, I'm way too busy to care

Anyways, back to M
...We met in one of the libraries on campus a few years ago
he's really nice and smart to...so he has some potential

but he's missing the necessary witty sense of humour and open mindedness that I crave in relationships + there's a huge language barrier :s awkward
Its not that he doesn't speak English, he does....but its not exactly his first or second language, which isn't unusual in this city, but it makes things a little more difficult
I almost feel like there's a bit of a cultural barrier to...he doesn't get some of the subtleties of the English language and is somewhat out of touch with mainstream culture so much of my wit is completely lost on him...in addition to the fact that at least half of our conversations consist of "what?"', "pardon?", "peux-tu repeter s'il te plait?", "peux-tu parler plus lentment s'il te plait?"...I even got a straight up "je ne comprends pas" after spending a good 5 minutes telling him about my trip back home for reading week.

Can you build a real relationship with someone you can barely understand/can barely understand you?

He's still really good company though, and on the plus side, being a grad student himself, he understands the demands of my student lifestyle so I'm able to just call him whenever I want to go out and not have all the pressure of being so accountable to him, something I'm not interested in at this point in my life...so I cant completely write him off

But I definitely wont be taking him up on his invitation this weekend (he's kind of at the bottom of the totem pole)
...school first
...then guys I'm really interested in (a category that has yet to be filled this semester)
...then catching up on sleep and hanging out with friends
...then other guys (like M and K)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I hate being late for this class

I am not a morning person
the one early morning class I've had my whole university career is this semester; my last semester (I guess it was silly of me to think I'd get through without taking at least one).

This class is kicking my ass
...its not that I find the material hard at all, it's more so the fact that I'm pretty much half asleep the whole time
...on top of that, since I come in late every morning, I always get stuck sitting next to the stinky girl that no one wants to get stuck with

Call me rude, judgmental, etc...I don't care
I mean, I completely consider myself a feminist just like her; women should be equal to men...but I'm not down with the whole growing out your armpit hair, bathing once a month, and having matted hair with rocks in it thing...that's right, not little beads or shells, full up golf ball sized rocks *side eye*...what kind of a man is she trying to be equal to? The homeless kind? :s forget Western standards of gender normativity, how about cultural standards of hygiene?

Can I say something/make subtle hints about the smell, especially without hurting her feelings, or should I just try to bare it? :s

If I dont love you by now...

It's almost 1am and I'm still up :s
....so much for my new years resolution to start going to bed at a decent hour during the week lol

I've been procrastinating for hours
I seriously need to start this paper soon and possibly return K's calls

I've been ignoring him for the past couple of weeks and feel a little bit bad about it...but I don't really see things going anywhere with him

  1. he's nowhere near my usual type (read: not ignorant or obnoxious)
  2. conversation with us is awkward in general/I don't feel like I can be myself around him
  3. I'm about to graduate and head off to grad school (fingers crossed!) so my minds completely somewhere else at this point

so I'm not really sure what to do about him and our whole situation, especially since completely avoiding him can only work for so long, our campus isn't that big.

Ughh, why is he so persistent?! especially when it's clear that I'm not really interested and he's just making things awkward for the both of us and all the friends we share in common?

...anyways, gotta get back to my paper, but I hope the K situation works itself out soon